BEAST Robotics is ready for the St Louis Regional today and tomorrow!
A livestream of the event is available on Twitch:
The Blue Alliance has all team event stats and rankings and links to matches played, as well as a “watch now” link to see the livestream:
Our team page on The Blue Alliance is here:
To learn more about the St Louis Regional, the event’s program book is available here:
The robot performed well at the Sussex Scrimmage. A special thanks to FRC Team 537, Charger Robotics, for the hard work they put into this well-run event. BEAST’s robot was able to handle the docking station (the teeter-totter-like platform) with no problems, thanks to the effective mobility of the Swerve Drive module. Our robot was also able to easily intake game pieces and deposit them on the lower platforms of the grid. We look forward to adding our arm to the robot in future competitions, as that will allow us to place cones and cubes higher on the grid.
Be sure to visit the Twitch link or the Blue Alliance link this Friday and Saturday to see our robot in action!
The crew at the Sussex Scrimmage
Successfully docking at the Sussex Scrimmage