Our 2022 build season is officially underway! This is our busiest time of the year as we prepare for our spring competitions. 

This season, FIRST’s theme celebrates innovation in the transportation field. Called RAPID REACT presented by The Boeing Company, participants try to reimagine transportation and package delivery to be more high-tech and reliable. 

During the competition, two competing alliances will be on the field at the same time. Robots need to quickly gather and move cargo (the cargo being over-sized tennis balls). Points are scored when robots deliver the cargo to either the lower hub (1 point) or upper hub (2 points). Points can also be scored if a robot can traverse the rungs of a hangar (similar to monkey bars). 

This short video explains what is expected of the robots and how scoring works:

It’s expected that over 3,200 high school teams will participate in the robotics competition this year. Our first scrimmage is February 20, so we’re racing to design, prototype, build, and program our robot. As always, thank you to our mentors and sponsors for making this competition possible! 

Mark Your Calendars

Feb 20: Sussex Scrimmage (Hamilton High School, Sussex)

Mar 23-26: Wisconsin Regional (Milwaukee)

Apr 6-Apr 9: Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional (Minneapolis)

The Team in Action

With more than 70 students and more than 30 mentors, we are hard at work having fun and designing an awesome robot. Below are a few pictures from our build season so far. 

Game simulation (it looks like a bunch of students being pushed around on chairs while throwing balls at each other, but it’s serious brainstorming!)

The Electrical Team wires the control components of the robot. 

The mechanical team tests their prototype for the robot’s hanging and traversing system.